Review Article

A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020

Table 3

Qualitative research topics.

(1) AI research development in recent twenty years
(2) Machine learning-based science assessments
(3) Application cases of teacherbot
(4) Socially assistive robots (SARs)
(5) AIED in relation to fundamental human rights
(6) Political economy of AI and education
(7) AI for serious games
(8) Impact of AI development in the age of platforms
(9) Innovative projects extending LMS
(10) Machine learning
(11) Data mining techniques
(12) Data-based teaching and learning paths
(13) Automated education governance assemblage
(14) Robot-human interaction
(15) AI and robotics in learning designs
(16) Data science and machine learning

(1) Assessment system
(2) Early self- and coregulation from AI perspective
(3) Ethical tension about applying AIDA in education
(4) Artificial Intelligence Anxiety (AIA) Scale
(5) AI in education policy contexts
(6) AI, data analytics, and blockchain technology
(7) Digital structural violence
(8) Intangible economy
(9) Future education and digital teachers

(1) Neuroscience in education
(2) Teacher’ professional roles

(1) Human literacy

(1) Educational data mining, adaptive learning, and creativity

(1) Effect of AI in education

(1) Swarm intelligence
(2) Neurosciences in Edu
(3) Misunderstandings of AI in Edu

(1) Decentralized theory
(2) Interactive learning