Research Article

Optimization and Performance Analysis of Rail-Train Coupling System with Inerters

Table 1

Parameters of the rail system.

SymbolParameterUnitNominal value

EElastic modulus of railN/m22.059 × 1011
IRail cross-sectional inertiam43.217 × 10−5
mrRail mass per unit lengthkg/m60.64
msSleeper mass (half)kg125.5
KpRail pad stiffnessN/m1.0 × 108
CpRail pad dampingN·s/m7.5 × 104
lsSleeper spacingm0.545
leEffective support length of half sleeperm0.95
lbSleeper bottom widthm0.273
Ballast densitykg/m31.8 × 103
EbElastic modulus of ballastN/m21.1 × 108
CbBallast dampingN·s/m5.88 × 104
Ballast shear stiffnessN/m7.84 × 107
Ballast shear dampingN·s/m8 × 104
Ballast stress distribution angle(°)35
hbBallast thicknessm0.35
EfSubgrade K30 modulusMPa/m1.9 × 108
CfSubgrade dampingN·s/m1.0 × 105