Conference Paper

The Effect of UDMA/TEGDMA Mixtures and Bioglass Incorporation on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Resin and Resin-Based Composite Materials

Table 2

The FS and FM of bisGMA/TEGDMA and UDMA/TEGDMA resin composites. UDMA/TEGDMA- based composites exhibited higher FS and FM compared with bisGMA/TEGDMA-based composites. BG: Bioglass. Standard deviation ( ) is displayed in parenthesis.

60 : 40 wt% BisGMA/TEGDMAFS (MPa)FM (GPa)60 : 40 wt% UDMA/TEGDMAFS (MPa)FM (GPa)

70 wt% Silica46.1 (9.4)4.8 (0.5)70 wt% Silica84.3 (14)7.0 (0.9)
5 wt% BG59.4 (6.4)5.9 (0.2)5 wt% BG80.3 (7.2)6.4 (0.5)
10 wt% BG55.1 (5.5)5.4 (0.4)10 wt% BG69.7 (9.8)6.0 (0.6)
20 wt% BG56.5 (5.1)6.8 (0.4)20 wt% BG79.3 (8.4)6.9 (0.9)
30 wt% BG39.6 (5.3)5.7 (0.7)30 wt% BG57.8 (9.4)4.4 (0.4)
40 wt% BG26.0 (3.0)3.3 (0.9)40 wt% BG42.7 (2.9)3.6 (0.5)