Case Report

Intermittently “Pre-Excited” ECG after Accessory Pathway Ablation: Unsuccessful Procedure or a Complication?

Figure 2

Surface ECG and intracardiac electrograms during the second electrophysiologic testing. (a) During sinus rhythm. A short PR interval followed by a wide QRS is clearly seen. Note short HV interval on the His electrogram. (b) During right atrial pacing. The first and third beats are with the short PR and the wide QRS, and second paced beat is a normal sinus beat. (c) After adenosine bolus. Note transient complete AV block and no QRS widening. His, His electrogram; CSp, electrogram from the proximal pairs of the coronary sinus catheter; CSm, from middle pairs; CSd, from distal pairs; RA, electrograms from a catheter located in high right atrial position.