Case Report

Cardiac Tamponade from Purulent Pericarditis due to Cutibacterium acnes

Table 2

Pleural and pericardial fluid analysis.

Pericardial fluid (pericardiocentesis)Pericardial fluid (intraoperative)Pleural fluid (intraoperative)

WBCsModerateModerateFew present
RBCsToo numerous to countToo numerous to countToo numerous to count
Cell count4133 nucleated cells (73% segmented neutrophils)467 nucleated cells (56% segmented neutrophils)489 nucleated cells (26% segmented neutrophils)
AppearanceBloody, purulentTurbidTurbid
pHNot available7.8607.99
TriglyceridesNot available127153
Amylase (U/L)Not available1820
LDH (IU/L)15453891513
Organisms on stainingNone seenNone seenNone seen
Fungal stainNegativeNegativeNegative
Acid-fast stainNegativeNegativeNegative
CultureNo growth (but discarded after 72 hours)Cutibacterium acnesCutibacterium acnes