Case Report

CT Images of a Severe TMJ Osteoarthritis and Differential Diagnosis with Other Joint Disorders

Table 1

Differential diagnosis among osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and pain dysfunction syndrome (PDS) [3, 12, 13].

Findings OARAPDS

Pain LocalizedDiffuseIrradiated
TMJ involvement Symmetric or not Symmetric Symmetric or not
Subcutaneous nodes Absent Present (20%) Absent
Type of hand swelling Hard Soft Absent
Extra-articular findings AbsentMay be presentAbsent
Morning stiffness AbsentPresentAbsent
Crepitation PresentRarely Rarely
Clicking Rarely Absent Present
Rheumatoid factor Rarely present Present Absent
Erythrocyte sedimentation rateNormal Usually elevated Normal
Synovial fluid Normal Inflammation Normal
Radiographic findings Erosive + exophytic
(asymmetric cartilage loss)
(symmetric cartilage loss)
May be present