Case Report

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Patient with Tongue Cancer: A Report of a Rare Case

Table 1

DSM-IV diagnostic criteria of neuroleptic malignant syndrome [7].

(A) The development of severe muscle rigidity and elevated temperature associated with the use of neuroleptic medication
(B) Two (or more) of the following:
  (1) diaphoresis
  (2) dysphagia
  (3) tremor
  (4) incontinence
  (5) changes in level of consciousness ranging from confusion to coma
  (6) mutism
  (7) tachycardia
  (8) elevated or labile blood pressure
  (9) leukocytosis
  (10) laboratory evidence of muscle injury (e.g., elevated CPK)
(C) The symptoms in criteria A and B are not due to another substance (e.g., phencyclidine) or a neurological or other general medical conditions (e.g., viral encephalitis)
(D) The symptoms in criteria A and B are not better accounted for a mental disorder (e.g., mood disorder with catatonic features)