Case Report

Nonneoplastic Tongue Swellings of Lymphatic and Lymphocytic Origin: Three Case Reports

Table 1

Different types of tongue swellings adapted from Neville et al. [5].

Tongue swelling Common siteNature

Squamous cell papillomaTipBenign neoplasm
Verruca vulgarisTipReactive
Granular cell tumorDorsal surfaceBenign neoplasm
SialithiasisVentral surfaceReactive
Salivary gland neoplasmsAnterior two-thirdsBenign and malignant lesion
Irritational fibromaLateral sideReactive
Squamous cell carcinomaLateral and ventral surfacesMalignant neoplasm
Lymphoepithelial cystPosterolateral and ventral surfacesReactive
Lymphoid hyperplasiaPosterolateral sideReactive
LymphomaPosterior thirdMalignant neoplasm
HaemangiomaAnterior two-thirdsDevelopmental
LymphangiomaDorsal surfaceDevelopmental