Case Report

Nasolabial Cyst Associated with Odontogenic Infection

Figure 15

(A) View of the cystic nature of the lesion; the cystic cavity () had the presence of necrotic material (◊), and the cystic capsule was found to be quite thick (◆) (HE, 40x). (B) View of the destruction of the epithelial lining demarcating the cystic cavity (arrows) and the presence of intense inflammation associated with granulation tissue (HE 200x) due to recurrent episodes of infection associated with cystic tooth infection. (C) View of the cystic capsule, which has been collagenized and cellularized and shows several blood vessels that are dilated and have an accumulation of erythrocytes inside (arrows) but no atypical cells (HE, 100x).