Case Series

Functional Band and Loop Space Maintainers in Children

Table 1

(1) Aids in mastication.
(2) Prevents supraeruption of the opposing tooth.
(3) Distribution of occlusal forces on the pontic and hence less chance of loop distortion/slippage and impingement in gingiva.
(4) Prevents the development of abnormal tongue habits.
Limitations and possible solutions
(1) Direct visualization of the eruption of the successor is not possible.
(a) Hence, long-term and frequent follow-ups (preferably using radiographs—RVG) are required. Periodic removal and clinical inspection for signs of the eruption of the successor or tissue irritation followed by recementation should be performed as would be done for any traditional space maintainer.
(b) Parents should be informed that the pontic alone will be removed from the appliance when the child approaches the eruption age of the successor or if there is clinical or radiographic evidence of impending tooth emergence.
(2) Cement loss and solder failure can be possible reasons for failure of this appliance. Hence, quality designing of the appliance, close supervision, and frequent follow-ups at 2-4 month interval are imperative.