Case Report

Association between Rash and a Positive Drug Response Associated with Vinorelbine in a Patient with Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma

Table 1

Summary of hematological events in 365 patients receiving single agent VRL .

Adverse eventAll patients ( )NSCLC ( )

Bone marrow
  <2,000 cells/mm390%80%
  <500 cells/mm336%29%
  <4,000 cells/mm392%81%
  <1,000 cells/mm315%12%
  <100,000 cells/mm35%4%
  <50,000 cells/mm31%1%
  <11 g/dL83%77%
  <8 g/dL9%1%
Hospitalizations due to granulocytopenic complications9%8%

None of the reported toxicities were influenced by age. Grade based on modified criteria from the National Cancer Institute.
Patients with NSCLC had not received prior chemotherapy. The majority of the remaining patients had received prior chemotherapy