Case Report

A Rare Presentation of Transfusional Hemochromatosis: Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Table 1

Laboratory results of the case.

Reference range

CBC parameters
WBC (103/μL)11.84.8–10.8
Hb (g/dL)8.912–16
HCT (%)27.337–47
RBC (103/μL)3.054.2–5.4
MCV (fL)89.5(80–94)
MCH (g/dL)29.432–36
RDW (%)17.410–20
PLT (103/μL)1239130–400

Hormonal measurements
FSH (μIU/mL)1.393.03–8.08
LH (μIU/mL)0.752.39–6.6
Estradiol (pg/mL)<1021–251
Progesterone (mg/mL)0.20–0.3
GH (ng/mL)2.53(0–8)
Somatomedin-C (ng/mL)151(90–271)
ACTH (pg/mL)43.2(0–46)
Cortisol (μg/dL)15.9(3.7–19.4)
Prolactin (mg/mL)9.29(5.2–26.5)
sT3 (pg/mL)3.641.71–3.71
sT4 (ng/dL)1.210.7–1.48
TSH (μIU/mL)1.380.35–4.94
PTH (pg/mL)95.715–68.3
25-OH-vitamin D (ng/mL)11.915–60

Biochemical measurements
Glucose (mg/dL) 8165–95
Cre (mg/dL) 0.630.7–1.3
AST (U/L) 180–31
ALT (U/L) 150–31
GGT (U/L) 16.35–36
ALP (U/L) 2450–270
T. bil (mg/dL) 2.80.2–1.2
D. bil (mg/dL) 0.440–0.5
T. prot (g/dL) 7.56.6–8.7
Alb (g/dL) 53.5–5.2
Ca (mg/dL) 9.78.5–10.5
Iron (μg/dL) 23937–145
Ferritin (ng/mL) 8874.6–204
TIBC (μg/dL)357215–480

Dynamic tests
LHRH stimulation test (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min):
 FSH (μIU/mL): 1.14–1.33–1.41–1.72
 LH (μIU/mL): 0.75–0.75–0.80–0.91
Insulin tolerance test:
 Peak GH: 11.6 ng/mL
 Peak cortisol: 26.3 μg/dL

For follicular phase.
For age 26–30.