Case Report

46,XY Disorder of Sex Development Caused by 17α-Hydroxylase/17,20-Lyase Deficiency due to Homozygous Mutation of CYP17A1 Gene: Consequences of Late Diagnosis

Table 1

Results of biochemical and endocrine tests in the patient reported, before and after the administration of estradiol and glucocorticoid therapy.

Lab testResultsNormal range
Before treatmentAfter therapy

TSH (mcIU/ml)2.4NA0.35–4
ACTH (pg/ml)655.719.34.3–52
Active renin (mcIU/ml)<0.5<0.54.4–46.1
Aldosterone (pg/ml)23.12630–150
24-h urinary cortisol (mcg/24 h)6030458–403
FSH (mIU/ml)–12.4
LH (mIU/ml)–12
Estradiol (pg/ml)<10NA10–40
DHEA-S (mcg/ml)–2.44
Progesterone (ng/ml)6.5NA0.2–1.4
17-OH-progesterone (ng/ml)0.2NA0.2–1.3
Androstenedione (ng/dl)<10<1085–275
Testosterone (ng/ml)<0.1<0.12.4–9.5
pH (venous sample)7.567.47.37–7.45
Na+ (mEq/L)140136136–146
K+ (mEq/L)–5.3

ACTH = adrenocorticotrophic hormone; DHEA-S = dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone; NA = not available; TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone.