Case Report

A Case of Von Hippel–Lindau Disease with Bilateral Pheochromocytoma and Ectopic Hypersecretion of Intact Parathyroid Hormone in an Adolescent Girl

Table 1

Biological parameters before and after surgery.

Before surgeryAfter surgeryReference ranges

Fasting glucose level (mmol/l)16.394.784.12–5.55
Glycated hemoglobin (%)10.125.91≤5.6
Total cholesterol (mmol/l)11.835.233.1–5.18
Triglycerides (mmol/l)2.431.210.57–1.71
Natremia (mmol/l)135140135–145
Kalemia (mmol/l)3.343.6–5
Creatinine (mg/L)664–13
Calcium (mg/L)111.29888–105
Phosphate (mg/L)443627–45
Albumin (g/l)47.2235–52
Intact PTH (μg/L)1825411–62
TSH (mUI/L)0.6250.12–3.4
FT4 (ng/dl)1.310.71–1.85
Calcitonin (ng/L)2.70<10.00
24 h-urine NMN (μg/24)315057030–600
24 h-urine MN (μg/24)40.21220–345
24 h-urine sodium (mmol/24 h)88.5
24 h-urine potassium (mmol/24 h)60
24 h-urine calcium (mg/24 h)200
24 h-proteinuria (g/24)0.3<0.3

PTH: parathormone, TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone, FT4: free-T4, NMN: normetanephrines, MN: metanephrines. The intact PTH dosage was made using 3rd generation chemiluminescence immunoassay.