Case Report

Papillary Thyroid Cancer Affecting Multiple Family Members: A Case Report and Literature Review of Familial Nonmedullary Thyroid Cancer

Table 1

Characteristics of the diagnosed thyroid cancer in the family members.

Index caseSibling 1Sibling 2Sibling 3Sibling 4Father

Age at diagnosis (years)263023293358
Nodular goiter (±)+++
Tumor diameter (cm)
Histological variant of PTCClassicClassicClassicClassicFollicular
Laterality (unilateral/bilateral)UnilateralUnilateralUnilateralBilateralUnilateral
Focality (unifocal/multifocal)MultifocalUnifocalUnifocalMultifocalUnifocal
Capsule invasion (±)+++
Extrathyroid extension (±)++
Vascular/lymphatic invasion++
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (±)+
Central LN involvement (±)++
Lateral LN involvement (±)+Not sampledNot sampledNot sampledNot sampled
Distant metastasis (±)
pTNM classificationT4aN1bM0T1aN0M0T2N0M0T3bN1aM0T1aN0Mx
Surgical proceduresTotal thyroidectomy with bilateral neck dissectionTotal thyroidectomy with central LN dissectionTotal thyroidectomy with central LN dissectionTotal thyroidectomy with central LN dissectionTotal thyroidectomy with central LN dissection
RAI ablation and dose+, 100 mCi+, 100 mCi+, 30 mCi
Persistence/recurrence of the disease (±)++
Repeated treatment (surgery and/or RAI and dose)In February 2017, he received a 2nd dose of RAI (100 mCi) for local recurrence in the thyroid bedIn April 2019, surgery for thyroid recurrence with bilateral neck dissection and RAI (100 mCi)
Death from the disease (±)
Duration of follow-upSince April 2015 (75 months)Since July 2015 (72 months)Since November 2015 (68 months)Since May 2016 (62 months)Since August 2015 (71 months)Since January 2018 (42 months)

PTC: papillary thyroid cancer, LN: lymph node, and RAI: radioactive iodine. Note. There were no data about the father’s tumor, as he had the management and follow-up data outside our institution.