Case Report

A Novel Microduplication in the Neurodevelopmental Gene SRGAP3 That Segregates with Psychotic Illness in the Family of a COS Proband

Figure 1

High-resolution microarray analysis of the family of a childhood onset schizophrenia proband. Results revealed a gain on the short arm of chromosome 3 for the proband (NSB499), his father (NSB617), and his brother (NSB619) with the minimum duplication coordinates of chromosome 3: 9,111,177–9,245,155. Arrow on the pedigree indicates the COS proband. Clinical descriptions: 617: avoidant PD, schizotypal PD, history of major depressive disorder, held back in school twice. 618: avoidant PD, schizotypal PD, history of major depressive disorder. 621: paranoid PD. 620: held back in school twice. 619: schizophrenia. 622: schizoid PD. 499: childhood onset schizophrenia.