Case Report

Bilateral Radial Ulnar Synostosis and Vertebral Anomalies in a Child with a De Novo 16p13.3 Interstitial Deletion

Figure 4

Microarray characterization of the 16p13.3 deletion described herein. Microarray plot showing single-copy loss of 13 oligonucleotide probes from 16p13.3, approximately 114 kb in size (chr16:2,206,663-2,321,155, hg18 coordinates). Probes are ordered on the -axis according to physical mapping positions, with the most distal 16p13.3 probes to the left and the most proximal 16p13.3 probes to the right. Values along the -axis represent log2 ratios of patient: control signal intensities. Results are visualized using Genoglyphix (Signature Genomics, Spokane, WA, USA).