Case Report

Unexplained False Negative Results in Noninvasive Prenatal Testing: Two Cases Involving Trisomies 13 and 18

Table 2

Demographics and summary of laboratory testing in two cases with false negative NIPT.

age (status)
BMIMedication, alcohol, and drugs1st trimester combined screening (NT)Blood for NIPT drawn at GA1Result of NIPT issued by a third partyPregnancy outcome; cytogenetic follow-up
Fetal fractionTri-13Tri-18Tri-21

Case  1
35 yrs
22.0Negative1 : 190 risk for trisomy-18 (NT 1.6 mm)13 5/78.8% <1/10,000<1/10,000<1/10,000Amniocentesis at 21 weeks showed a nonmosaic 47, XY, +13 karyotype; sampling of placenta (9 biopsies) gave no evidence for the presence of euploid cells

Case  2
40 yrs
22.4NegativeNot performed11 0/710.7%<1/10,000<1/10,000<1/10,000Amniocentesis at 20 weeks showed a nonmosaic 47, XX, +18 karyotype; sampling of placenta (10 biopsies) showed that a maximum of 20–30% euploid cells may have been present in the cytotrophoblast

Note. 1GA: gestational age.