Case Report

Magnetic Resonance Enterography: The Test of Choice in Diagnosing Intestinal “Zebras”

Table 1

Summary of the four patients.


#153/maleEndoscopies, small bowel enteroscopy, CTMass in the small bowel mesentery consistent with carcinoidCarcinoid in the distal ileum with invasion into the mesenteryExploratory laparotomy with resection

#234/maleColonoscopiesRectal lymphoma with sever but nonobstructing luminal narrowingRectal lymphoma in HIV patientChemo

#370/femaleEnteroscopies, flexible sigmoidoscopy, capsule study7 small bowel polypsRecurrent Peutz-Jeghers Exploratory laparotomy with excision of polyps

#464/femaleCT abdomen/pelvisSuspected edematous polyp as a leading point of intussusception and small bowel obstructionInflammatory fibroid polyp causing intussusceptionExploratory laparotomy with resection and primary anastomosis