Case Report

Acute Clinical Manifestation of Mesenteric Heterotopic Pancreatitis: A Pre- and Postoperative Confirmed Case

Figure 1

CT scan performed at the third day of admission. (a) Axial CT image in the portal venous phase. Normal appearance of the orthotopic pancreas (white asterisks). A nonsignificant small amount of retroperitoneal fluid on the level of the pancreas tail (white curved arrows). Presence of a large amount of free intraperitoneal fluid (black curved arrows). (b-c) Coronal and axial CT image in the portal venous phase. Enhancing soft tissue mass (black asterisk) with surrounding mesenteric edema (white arrowhead). Suggestion of a central ductal structure (black arrow). (d) Coronal CT image in the early arterial phase shows a comparable enhancement of the orthotopic and heterotopic pancreas (resp., white and black asterisks).