Case Report

Early Death in Two Patients with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Presenting the bcr3 Isoform, FLT3-ITD Mutation, and Elevated WT1 Level

Figure 1

Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and PCR for the evaluation of bone marrow samples from two APL patients. Upper panel: lanes 1 and 2: transcripts of the bcr-3 isoform in patients; lane 3: bcr-3 positive control; lane 4: no template control; M: molecular weight marker; lanes 5 and 6: primers specific for the RARA gene used for control of cDNA quality in each patient; lane 7: RARA positive control; lane 8: no template control. Lower panel: lanes 10 and 11: patients with an FLT3 ITD mutation; lane 9: normal individual; lane 12: FLT3 ITD positive control; lane 13: no template control; M: molecular weight marker.