Case Report

Localized Candidiasis in Kidney Presented as a Mass Mimicking Renal Cell Carcinoma

Figure 1

(a) Unenhanced CT of the abdomen displays a large, contour deforming mass arising in the lower pole of the right kidney. The mass contained no visible calcifications, involved the renal capsule, and infiltrated the perinephric fat. (b) More inferiorly, the mass clearly involved the ipsilateral psoas muscle and, after going through the perinephric space and fascia, it extended into the posterior paranephric space. There is no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. The right renal vein was of normal caliber on higher slices through the renal hilum. (c) Gross examination. The mass involved renal parenchyma with extrarenal extension. (d) Granulomatous inflammation with abscess involved renal parenchyma, H&E, × 5 0 . (e) Granuloma with adjacent abscess was seen in the renal parenchyma, H&E, × 4 0 0 . (f) Grocott stain was positive for pseudohyphae and yeast forms, × 4 0 0 .