Case Report

Infective Exacerbation of Pasteurella multocida

Table 1

Summary of features of patients with Pasteurella multocida septicaemia. This table is a summary of 2 literature reviews on Pasteurella multocida septicaemia from 2 large literature reviews based on PubMed search from 1984 to 2003 and 2004 to 2014, respectively [5, 7]. Please note that some patients had more than one underlying disease and presentation of more than one clinical disease.

Patient characteristics Number of patients

 1–29 years7
 30–59 years25
 >60 years42
Animal exposure
 Animal exposure84
 No exposure8
 Septic arthritis14
 No focus of infection9
 Other infections24
Underlying disease
 Diabetes mellitus9
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease3