Case Report

Congenital Circumferential Constriction Band of the Abdomen: A Case Report

Table 1

Reported cases of congenital constriction band of the abdomen.

AuthorYearLocation to pelvic brimSexOther abnormalities

Brown et al. 1957below M None
Schneider et al. 1976below F Pilonodal sinus Cleft of soft palate
Evans 1973above F None
Izumi et al. 1971above M Band around 2 toes and club foot
Casaubon et al. 1983above F None
Jones 1986above M Limb defects
Bahadoran et al. 1997 above F None
Lin et al. 1999above M None
Kim et al. 2007above F Ring constriction of the left leg, absent hallux
Fawzy et al. 2008below F Constriction bands on both calves, congenital amputations of toes