Case Report

Burkitt Lymphoma Presenting as Unilateral Deafness in an Immunocompetent Patient

Figure 4

(a): Bone marrow aspirate, Wright Gimsea, 400x. Monotonous population of medium-to-large-sized lymphoid cells with high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio and immature appearing chromatin with multiple nucleoli. Basophilic cytoplasm with multiple cytoplasmic vacuoles is apparent. (b) and (c) Bone marrow core biopsy, H&E, 200x. Hypercellular bone marrow due to a neoplastic cell infiltrate. The cells are present in a diffuse pattern and are positive for CD20 (left) and negative for blast markers including CD34 (upper right) and TdT (lower right) by immunohistochemistry.