Case Report

A Case of Postsurgical Necrotizing Fasciitis Invading the Rectus Abdominis Muscle and Review of the Literature

Figure 4

78-year old male with diagnosis of postsurgical necrotizing fasciitis. Postcontrast arterial and early venous phase, axial CT. After the administration of the contrast medium the fascia appeared as follows: not enhanced in the arterial phase (a) and weakly enhanced in the early venous phase (c), and areas of low attenuation ((c) and (d)) within the muscles and among the fat tissues structures of the right flank were observed. (a) Axial arterial phase, the fascia appeared not enhanced. (b) Axial early venous phase, the fascia appeared weakly enhanced. (c) Axial arterial phase shows the presence of areas of low attenuation among the muscles of the right flank. (d) Axial early venous phase shows the presence of areas of low attenuation among the muscles of the right flank.