Case Report

Rare Presentation of Self-Limiting Kikuchi–Fujimoto Disease in Relapsing Nature

Table 1

The results of laboratory tests of the patient before the biopsy.

Laboratory investigationsResultsNormal range (for middle-aged woman)

HematologyHemoglobin11.1 g/dl12–16 g/dl
White blood cell3100 per microliter
Total leukocyte count775/mm34000–10000/mm3
Platelet count145 × 109/L150–400 × 109/L
Red blood cell count4.5 million/mm34.2–5.4 million/mm3
Mean corpuscular volume80 fl77–97 fl
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate76 mm/h0–30 mm/h

Biochemical serologyBlood urea nitrogen16 mg/dl8–20 mg/dl
Serum creatinine1.2 mg/dl0.6–1.1 mg/dl
Total bilirubin0.7 mg/dl0.2–1.2 mg/dl
Direct bilirubin0.3 mg/dl0.1–0.3 mg/dl
Serum alanine transaminase11 U/lUp to 31 U/l
Serum aspartate transaminase22 U/lUp to 31 U/l
Serum alkaline phosphatase286 U/l64–306 U/l
Random blood sugar92 mg/dl80–140 mg/dl
Lactate dehydrogenase525 U/L100–500 U/L
Ferritin295 ng/mL5–130 ng/mL
Globulins40 g/L20–35 g/L
Albumin34 g/L34–54 g/L

SerologyRheumatoid factor1 U/mLUp to 14 U/mL
Anti-CCP6Negative <20 U/mL
Antinuclear antibody (ANA)Negative
Anti-ds DNANegative
Hepatitis A, B, C abNegative
Human immunodeficiency virusesNegative
Occult bloodNegative
Anti-EBV ab Ig MNegative
Antitoxoplasmosis ab Ig MNegative
Anti-CMV AbIg MNegative
Hepatitis A, B, C abNegative