Case Report

Transient Global Amnesia Associated with an Acute Infarction at the Cingulate Gyrus

Table 1

Main studies of TGA associated with acute stroke reported in the literature.

First author, year [reference]Brain topographyStroke subtype

Bogousslavsky, 1988 [5]Thalamus, lenticular nucleusIntracerebral haemorrhage
Gorelick, 1988 [6]ThalamusIschemic stroke
Chen, 1996 [7]ThalamusIntracerebral hemorrhage
Jacome, 1988 [8]Frontal lobeIntracerebral hemorrhage
Ott, 1993 [9]Occipital lobeIschemic stroke
Saito, 2003 [10]Corpus callosumIschemic stroke
Moussouttas, 2005 [11]Fornix, corpus callosumIschemic stroke
Ravindran Jain, 2004 [12]Caudate nucleus, hyppocampus, thalamusIschemic stroke
Yoon, 2006 [13]Cingulate gyrusIntracerebral hemorrhage
Carota, 2012 [14]HippocampusIscaehmic lesion
Present case, 2014Cingulate gyrusIschemic stroke