Case Report

Hemorrhagic Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis

Figure 1

Cervical and thoracic MRI. At initial presentation, sagittal T2-weighted image (a) demonstrated extensive T2-signal abnormality from C6-C7 to T11-T12 involving the central gray matter (b). Sagittal gradient echo (GRE) showed decreased GRE signal extending from T3-T4 to T9-T10 (e, f). At three-month follow-up, the cord signal on T2-weighted imaging was normal (d) with volume loss within the cord from T3-T4 to T7-T8 (c, arrows). The long regions of decreased GRE signal within the central aspect of the cord compatible with hemosiderin deposition persisted (g, h). There was poorly defined abnormal enhancement within the cord behind the T5 and T6 vertebral bodies (not shown).