Case Report

Aphasic Dystextia as Presenting Feature of Ischemic Stroke in a Pediatric Patient

Table 1

Literature review of cases with dystextia.

Year, authorAgeEtiologyText presentationType of dystextiaOther deficitsImagingHighlights

2006, Cawood et al. [1]40 yearsStrokeDecreased speed and accuracyLeft arm weakness, loss of dexterityL sided facial weakness and slurringInfarction genu of R internal capsuleFirst reported use of the term “dystextia”
2011, Whitfield and Jayathissa [2]20 yearsMigraineInability to compose text messageAphasia
Headache, nausea/vomiting, expressive dysphasiaNormal imaging
2013, Ravi et al. [3]25 yearsStrokeIncoherent text messageAphasia (receptive)R hemiparesis, R sensory loss, fluent dysphasiaL insula stroke; poor flow in inferior division of L MCAAided family in recognizing stroke symptoms
2014, Burns and Randall [5]18 yearsStrokeIncoherent textsAphasia (expressive + receptive)Severe dysphasia, visual field cutCT: hyperdensity in R lentiform nucleus and caudateAided in obtaining time for thrombolysis
2013, Kaskar et al. (Poster) [4]40 yearsStrokeDisjointed text messagesAphasia (expressive)Slurred speech, R facial weakness
2014, Al Hadidi et al. [6]61 yearsStrokeIncoherent text messagesAphasiaR hand clumsiness, inability to read TV, bilateral carotid bruitsLarge L MCA stroke; severe L ICA stenosisAided family in recognizing symptoms
2014, Hannah et al. [7]36 yearsMeningiomaFrequent, decreased accuracy of text messagesAphasia (expressive)Depression, headache, altered mental statusR frontal meningioma