Case Report

Poorly Differentiated Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor in a 16-Year-Old Single Woman: A Case Report and Literature Review

Figure 3

Microscopic examination of the left ovarian mass. (a) The ovarian mass was composed of immature, poorly differentiated, and spindle-shaped Sertoli cells forming cords and ill-defined tubules (H&E stain, magnification power: 20x). (b) The neoplastic Sertoli cells exhibited nuclear atypia and high mitotic indices (H&E stain, magnification power: 40x). (c) Focal myxoid area containing spindle-shaped cells was identified (H&E stain, magnification power: 20x). (d) Infrequent Leydig cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm were identified focally (H&E stain, magnification power: 20x).