Case Report

Recognizing Presentations of Pemphigoid Gestationis: A Case Study

Table 1

Differential diagnosis for a pruritic rash in pregnancy.

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPS) or polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP) in the UKMost common, usually presenting in the last trimester in the striae and sparing the umbilicus (Cobo et al., 2009 [5])

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) Usually in elderly, starting on thighs, associated with HLA-DQ3 (Cobo et al., 2009 [5])

Dermatitis herpetiformis Usually on extensor surfaces, associated with HLA-DQ2, DIF: IgA deposits (Lipozenčić et al., 2012 [6])

Erythema multiforme Target lesions, usually after infection or drug, DIF: IgM deposits (Lipozenčić et al., 2012 [6])

Cicatricial pemphigoid Involving mucous membranes

Linear IgA dermatosis Associated with drug use, commonly vancomycin, DIF: linear IgA deposits

Acute urticaria Wheal, flare; short duration

Allergic contact dermatitis Typical linear, Rhus reaction

Papular dermatitis of pregnancy
Or prurigo gestationis of Besnier
Usually on proximal limbs, DIF: linear IgM deposits

Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy Folliculitis and the DIF being negative

Scabies Distribution: webs and belt lines and look for mites