Case Report

Prenatal Diagnosis of Cardiac Diverticulum with Pericardial Effusion in the First Trimester of Pregnancy with Resolution after Early Pericardiocentesis

Table 3

Management and outcomes of the cases with cardiac diverticulum and pericardial effusion.

ReferenceGA PEGA DiLoc.Size (mm)InterventionPE findingsPrenatal progressionPostnatal progression

1Carles et al. [24]13Apex LVTOP 14 w

2Cesko et al. [25]17APApex RV3 mmTOP 22 w

3 McAuliffe et al. [27]1414Apex RV2-3 mmTOP

4Cavallé-Garrido et al. [6]19RV3 mmNoSpontaneous resolution at 34 wAsymptomatic at 22 months

5Cavallé-Garrido et al. [6]20LV lateral wall below mitral valveLargeNoPrenatal fetal death at 26 w, trisomy 18

6Prefumo et al. [1]1212Apex LV1 mmNoSpontaneous resolution, effusion disappeared at 14 weeks; CD was not visible on ultrasound examination from week 21Asymptomatic at birth effusion or diverticulum not visible; asymptomatic at 17 months’ follow-up

7 McAuliffe et al. [27]1313Apex RV5 × 5 mmNoSpontaneous resolution; CD did not grow Perimembranous IVCIVC and IAC (postnatal); asymptomatic up to 3 months of age; surgical treatment; asymptomatic at 8 months of age

8 Pradhan et al. [28]2020Apex RVNoSpontaneous resolution CD did not growSurgical treatment at birth

9 McAuliffe et al. [27]2124RV lateral wall7 × 10 mmNoFetal death on week 29

10 Perlitz et al. [30]1919Apex LVNoNo control performedFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 10 months of age; heart murmur; no treatment

11Cavallé-Garrido et al. [6]19Apex RVPC 20 wNo PE relapse, CD did not growFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 12 months of age

12 Carles et al. [24]1919Apex RV3 mmPC 20 w7 cm3 yellow fluid, 20 gr/L proteins (transudate), acellularNo PE relapse, CD did not growFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 16 months of age; no treatment

13 Cesko et al. [25]22APPared lateral LV10 × 5 mmPC 25 w25 mL old blood fluidIntrauterine fetal death at 26 weeks (CD rupture)

14 Brachlow et al. [23]1313Apex RV4 × 6 mmPC 16 w3 mL serohematic fluid, 18 gr/L proteins (transudate), lymphocytes, and mesothelial cellsNo PE relapse or enlarging; CD was not visible on week 37Full-term live birth; asymptomatic at 10 months of age; no treatment

15Brachlow et al. [23]1313Apex RV4 × 3 mmPC 14 w0.8 mL serohematic fluid, 15 gr/L proteins (transudate)No PE relapse; CD did not growFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 8 months of age; no treatment

16Prefumo et al. [1]1414Apex RV5 × 5 mmPC 16 w5 mL clear fluidNo PE relapse; CD did not grow; mild cardiomegalyFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 22 months of age; no treatment

17Gradiner et al. [19]1414Apex RV2-3 mmPC 14 w2 mL yellow fluidNo PE relapse; CD did not growFull-term live birth; asymptomatic; no treatment

18Carrard et al. [32]1315Apex RV2.6 × 2.9PC 17 w4 mL clear fluid, 21 g/L proteins (transudate)No PE relapse; diverticulum was not visible from week 26 onFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at 11 months of age; no treatment

19 Williams et al. [3]2121Apex RV5 × 4.5PC 24 wYellow fluid 10 mL, 15.4 g/L proteins (transudate), lymphocytesComplete resolution one week after PC CD did not growFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at one year of age; no treatment

20Barberato et al. [29]1616PC 20 wBlood-stained fluidModerate growth of PE size as compared with postpuncture effusion; expectant approach Intrauterine fetal death on week 37

21 Abi-Nader et al. [2]1222Apex RVPC 18 wRelapse one week later and subsequent spontaneous resolution on weeks 32-33

22Our case1214Apex RV2 mmPC 17 wClear yellow fluid, acellular, transudateNo PE relapse; CD did not grow; moderate cardiomegalyFull-term live birth; asymptomatic at birth; treatment with ASA; asymptomatic at 4 years of age

GA PE: gestational age at pericardial effusion; GA di: gestational age at diverticulum diagnosis; RV: right ventriculum, LV: left ventriculum; w: weeks of pregnancy; PC: pericardiocentesis; CD: cardiac diverticulum; IVC: interventricular communication; PE: pericardial effusion.