Case Report

Postpartum Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by a Perineal Infection

Table 1

Definite cases of postpartum MRSA toxic shock syndrome.

First authorpublication yearvaginal delivery or caesarean sectiontime TSS developed after deliverycomplicating factorcultures with MRSAantibioticssurgeries performed for control of infectionmaternal outcomedetected toxin

J. I. Andrews [4]2008Caesarean section4 weeksmastitisbreast fluidclindamycin piperacillin/
tazobactam vancomycin
nonesurvivedenterotoxin B
C. Collet [5]2009Vaginal delivery4 weeksendometritisvaginalCefotaxime vancomycin metronidazolehysterectomysurvivedTSST-1
present case2017Vaginal delivery12 dayssurgical woundvaginalCeftriaxone clindamycinnonesurvivedTSST-1