Case Report

Five-Month Follow-Up Assessing Defecography and Urodynamics after Laparoscopic Nerve-Sparing Colorectal Resection for Endometriosis

Table 1

Health-related quality of life and pelvic pain assessment.

Before surgery3-month follow-up

Health-related quality of life: SF36 domains (0 represents the poorest health status)
 Physical functioning100100
 Physical-role functioning100100
 Bodily pain5172
 General health perception62100
 Social-role functioning75100
 Emotional-role functioning100100
 Mental health6892
Health-related quality of life: EHP30 core instrument (0 represents the best health status)
 Control and powerlessness70.830
 Emotional well-being79.1712.50
 Social support56.250
EHP30 supplementary optional modules (0 represents the best health status)
 Relationship with child/children250
 Sexual relationship010
 Feelings about medical profession00
 Feelings about treatment16.670
 Feelings about infertility500
 Endometriosis-related pain symptoms(0-10 scale)
 Dyspareunia5-10 (depending on the position)0
 Acyclic pelvic pain100
 Menstrual strangury00
 Menstrual dyschezia00
 Nonmenstrual dyschezia00

Health-related quality of life scales (0-100): Short Form 36 (SF36; 0 represents the poorest health status) and Endometriosis Health Profile (EHP30; 0 represents the best health status). Endometriosis-related pain symptoms were quantified through a visual analogue scale (0-10).