Case Report

Multiple Cutaneous Angiosarcomas after Breast Conserving Surgery and Bilateral Adjuvant Radiotherapy: An Unusual Case and Review of the Literature

Figure 1

Reexcision of postradiation AVL of the breast skin one month after initial biopsy. Capillary vessels were lined by inconspicuous endothelial cells and randomly arranged throughout the dermis ((a); H&E, ×10). At the periphery of the lesion, a small focus displayed vascular structures with frank cytological atypia and mitotic figures, consistent with well-differentiated post-RT cutaneous BA (inset; H&E, ×40). MYC amplification at FISH analysis strongly supported the diagnosis of AS versus AVL (b). In order to detect copy number abnormalities of MYC oncogene (located at 8q24,12-q24.13), the LSI C-MYC SpectrumOrange Probe (Abbott Molecular Inc., Abbott Park, IL, USA) was used. The fluorescent signals were evaluated under an epifluorescence microscope (DMRD, Leica Mikrosystems Vertrieb GmbH, Germany), using a HBO 100 W mercury arc lamp and the appropriate single band filters (orange and blue) for the two fluorescence signals.