Case Report

Oral Capecitabine Achieves Response in Metastatic Eccrine Carcinoma

Table 1

Demographics, presentations, treatments, and outcomes of reported cases of metastatic EC.

Serial numberAge/sex [reference]Presentation of primary cutaneous lesionMetastatic sitesTreatmentOutcome

160/F [5]Ulcerative, nodular, scaly, erythematousAxillary and subclavicular LNsCapecitabinePFS (18 months)
273/M [12]Ulcerative, nodular, erythematousParotid gland, cervical LNs, lungCapecitabineCR
364/F [13]NDIntraparotid LNTamoxifenPFS (3 years)
443/F [10]NDOccipital LNs, cervical nerve root, vertebraeSunitinibPFS (8 months)
545/F [11]NDCervical LNs, bone, choroidDoxorubicinPOD (deceased after 2 months)
659/F [4]Bluish nodule, 2 cm diameterMediastinal LNs, lungCyclophosphamidePOD (deceased after 1 month)

CR: complete response; F: female; LN: lymph node; M: male; ND: not described; PFS: progression free survival; POD: progression of disease.