Case Report

Emerging Risk Profile of Lung Cancer Therapy: Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage from Osimertinib

Table 2

Summary of previously reported cases of cardiac toxicities of Osimertinib.

ArticlePatient age/sexOnset of symptomsSymptomsDiagnosisTreatmentOutcome

Watanabe et al. [10]78 F21 daysFacial and lower extremity edema, dyspneaCongestive heart failure (CHF)Withdrawal of medication and diureticsNo recurrence of CHF after drug discontinuation

Oyakawa et al. [11]84 F34 weeksFacial edemaDilated cardiomyopathy/myocarditisWithdrawal of medication, diuretics, and GDMTImproved edema, persistently low EF

Schiefer et al. [12]62 F11 monthsAsymptomaticQTc prolongationWithdrawal of medicationNormalization of QT 5 days after discontinuation, patient died of disease progression in 2 months

Yang et al. [3]6 patientsUnknownAsymptomaticQTc prolongationDose reduction in 2 patientsNot described