Case Report

INFIX/EXFIX: Massive Open Pelvic Injuries and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Case summaries.

Case InjuryGeneral surgery Urology OrthopaedicsOutcome

41 yo forklift- crush
ISS 20
APC 3 massive open injury
Crushed pelvis
Pelvic packing, temporary Aortic control clamp, colostomySuprapubic, orchiectomyINFIX/EXFIX
posterior SI screw, hip disarticulation
Survived to prosthetic fitting, bowel hooked up, Complication with heterotopic bone prosthetic fitting

62 yo MVA
ISS 18
LC3 open
Massive anterior open injury
Colostomy, debridement, implanted testicles in thighSuprapubic INFIX/EXFIX, iliac screw posterior SI screwsWound healed, pelvis healed, skin healing

21 yo MVA pelvis impaled by a pole
ISS 45
APC3 open
Massive anterior and posterior wounds, extremis
Colostomy, aortic control clamp packingSuprapubic INFIX
antishock SI screws
Patient died in ICU POD #3
Rt tibia open fx, Rib fx pneumothorax bilateral pulmonary contusion

21 yo MVA motorcycle
ISS 18
APC3 massive perineal wound with bowel herniaColostomy laparotomy Suprapubic catheterINFIX SI screwsSurvived hooked up doing fine