Case Report

Lithium Battery Ingestion: An Unusual Cause of Bilateral Cord Palsy

Table 1

Salient features of the cases with bilateral vocal cord palsy following lithium battery ingestion.

Authors/yearAge/sexTime before LB removalEndoscopic findings at the time of removalObservation of bilateral vocal cord palsyPresentation of BLVC palsy in postoperative periodPostoperative course

(1) Nagao et al. (2007) [7]8 yrs/M
2 hErosion of postcricoids areaAt day 12Respiratory distressNo complication
(2) Bernstein et al. (2007) [6]11 mth/F5 hErosion of ant and lateral walls of hypopharynxAt day 6Respiratory distressStridor with enteral feeding
(3) Hamilton et al. (2009) [5]9 mth/FNRErosion of the esophagusAt day 28Respiratory distressSupraglottoplasty with enteral feeding
(4) Simonin et al. (2013) [4]16 mth/M48 hErosion of oesophageal mucosaAt day 3Respiratory distressPosterior cordotomy with enteral feeding
(5) This case (2014)10 mth/M48 hErosion at the cricopharynx areaAt day 60Delayed respiratory distressTracheostomy

Key: BLVC: bilateral vocal cord palsy, yrs: years, mth: months, M: male, F: female, h: hours, and NR: not recorded.