Case Report

An Unusual Case of Systemic Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor with Successful Treatment with ALK-Inhibitor

Figure 3

FISH analysis using dual color ALK break apart probe of the liver (a) and lumbar lesions (b) showing abnormal ALK (2p23) gene arrangement (translocation). (a) and (b) This is a “break-apart” probe system, where the fused red/green (overlap as yellow) represents the normal ALK gene locus and the separated red and green signals represent an underlying ALK rearrangement (i.e., translocation). Interphase FISH analysis of at least 200 interphase nuclei was performed with a dual color ALK break probe apart set to detect rearrangement of the ALK locus that is commonly associated with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. The break-apart signal pattern (1R1G1F, one red, one green, and one fusion signal) was observed in 11.5% of the analyzed nuclei in the liver (a) and in 12.5% of the analyzed nuclei in the lumbar spine (b). The normal reference is 1.7%, and as such, this represents an abnormal result indicative of ALK gene rearrangement with an unknown chromosomal locus.