Case Report

Invasive Carcinoma Ex-Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Lacrimal Gland with a Cystadenocarcinoma Component: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Figure 2

(a) Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma involving cores of fibrous connective tissue. H&E 2x. (b) High power view of the tumor revealed a cribriform pattern, moderate nuclear pleomorphism, and scattered mitoses. H&E 40x. (c) Neoplastic cystic structures in close proximity to lacrimal gland tissue (star) in a hyalinized stroma and lymphoid proliferation. H&E 2x. (d) Tumor that arose from a focus of pleomorphic adenoma (star) depicting cystic structures with small papillae. H&E 4x. Inset: papillary projections lined by large cuboidal cells with moderate nuclear atypia and apocrine features. H&E 20x. (e) Tumor cells were strongly positive for HMWK903 (4x). (f) Nuclear expression of androgen receptor was present in the tumor (20x). (g) p53, positive in less than 50% of tumor cells (4x). (h) p63 was negative within the invasive component of the tumor (4x).