Case Report

Cutaneous Coinfection of Cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium chelonae Accelerated by Immunosuppression

Figure 2

A subcutaneous nodule without ulceration ((a) gross appearance; (b) H&E, low-powered view; (c) H&E, high-powered view of the subcutaneous tissue, inset: immunostaining for CMV antigens). Subcutaneous nodularity with mild reddening is observed on the lower thigh near the original ulcer by pyoderma gangrenosum (arrow, (a)). A low-powered view of the second biopsy specimen demonstrates subcutaneous septolobular panniculitis (b). Endothelial cells and perivascular stromal cells with enlarged nuclei reveal intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions (c). Immunostaining for CMV antigens is clearly positive (inset).