Case Report

Uniplanar Nystagmus Associated with Perceptual and Cognitive Visual Dysfunction due to Presumed Focal Ischemic Occipital Cortical Atrophy: A Missed Diagnosis and New Observation

Table 1

(a) Perceptual visual difficulties described by the patient


Features of dorsal stream dysfunction

Impaired ability to handle complex visual scenesDrop in visual acuity for crowded letters
Tendency to get lost in crowded location
Difficulty to see things on patterned background
Cannot cope with supermarkets
Cannot see things pointed out in the distance
Need to view television from a distance of 30 cms

Impaired visually guided movementNegotiating steps and kerbs
Cannot cross roads
Bumping into objects
Hates going out at night
Intensely dislike furniture being moved because she then bumps into it

Impaired attentionCannot recognize faces when concentrating on other things

Features of ventral stream dysfunction

Impaired recognitionCannot differentiate between different makes of cars
Has difficulty recognizing faces

(b) Visual object and space perception battery

VOSP subtest5% cut-off scoreTest scorePass/fail

Object perception

Screening test1520Pass
Incomplete letters1719Pass
Object decision1518Pass
Progressive silhouettes1412Pass

Space perception

Dot counting89Pass
Position discrimination1820Pass
Number location74Fail
Cube analysis610Pass