Case Report

Agitation and Sugar Craving Related to Epilepsy Seizure

Table 1

Summary of the psychological tests.


Ability test (WISC-IV)Intellectual abilities below the normal range of age, suggesting a need for school facilitation.
Low scores on verbal comprehension index. Sprawling result between the subtests.
Numerous scores may sometimes indicate that scores have been affected by conditions that the test is not initially intended to measure (e.g., such error sources may be specific learning difficulties, concentration, or daily form). During testing, the patient had good concentration is observed during the first minutes but decreasing concentration and increasing motor turbulence beyond testing.

Kiddie SADSMeets 8/9 criteria for attention deficit and 6/9 criteria for hyperactivity/impulsivity.
The symptoms have lasted longer than 6 months. And was present before the age of seven.
Impaired function appears in several areas. Meets 6/8 criteria for oppositional defiant
Disorder (ODD). The symptoms cause significant social impairment. The symptoms have lasted for more than 6 months. The criteria for tics may be met (either chronic vocal or transient tics).

Playing observationPlay observation was conducted in two hours in the activity room. He makes good contact with therapists and uses eye contact, mimicry, and smiles in a way that is perceived as mutually and socially regulative. He pretends to understand the nonverbal signals during the Mikado-game. He shares joy with his therapist by smiling while he playing ping-pong.
He seems to concentrate well on activities along with therapist during playing billiards, ping-pong, and chess. There are no signs of inattention in these situations. A high level of activity is observed through the hours. When there are breaks, he is tricking, for example, tricking with his milk carton. Otherwise, no clear signs of impulsivity are observed during activities.

BRIEFClinical scales are based on the following area: impulse inhibition, emotional control, initiation, working memory, planning/organizing, and monitoring. Father fills out the form: all of the aforementioned scales are in clinical area. Mother fills out the form: of the overall scales, behavioral regulation and global executive function were in the clinical area, while metacognition was on the border. Teacher fills out the form: the overall scales were metacognition and global executive function in clinical area, while the behavioral regulation was below but close to the clinical area.
Assessment/evaluation: the results of the brief test from home and school indicate executive difficulties.

BarkleyFather fills out the form and the patient scores over 98 percentile on inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Mother fills out the form and the patient scores over 95 percentile on inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Teacher fills out the form and the patient scores over 93 percentile on inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Assessment/evaluation: the results of the Barkley test from home indicate difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. However, the results of the Barkley test from school are below the clinical threshold.