Case Report

PR3ANCA Related Cerebral Vasculitis in Ulcerative Colitis Presenting with Orbital Involvement: A Case Report with Review of Literature

Table 1

Ulcerative colitis with cerebral vasculitis.

Author Age Clinical presentationCerebral biopsy MRI and vascular studies Serology Treatment Outcome

Nomoto et al. [3] 18/F Diagnosed with UC at age 15, presented with headache, transient confusionNo MRA: diffuse narrowing
cerebral arteries with multiple segmental stenoses; common carotid and subclavian artery narrowing with irregularities
MPO-ANCA, PR3-ANCA within normal rangePrednisoneResolution of neurological deficits

Pandian et al. [4] 35/F Unknown duration UC, presented with right side weakness, unsteady gaitNo Restricted diffusion in left ACA
territory; angiogram shows intracranial vessels with multiple areas stenosis and dilatation
Not reportedNone Not available

Nelson et al. [5] 18/M One month after diagnosis UC presented with generalized tonic clonic seizures and became comatoseYes; acute
necrotizing vasculitis involving meningeal and cortical blood vessels with affected vessels showing fibrinoid necrosis with acute inflammatory cell infiltration
CT with multiple bilateral cerebral low density areas enhancing with contrastANA 
Prednisone, cyclophosphamideResolution of neurological deficits

Panani et al. [6] 51/M Eight-year diagnosis of UC presented with febrile illness, rash, acute deteriorationNo; skin punch biopsy-lesions on the small vessels suggesting a possible systemic diseaseCT head-ischemic lesions in white matterp-ANCA MPO positive, anticardiolipin elevatedPrednisone, cyclophosphamideResolution of neurological deficits

Nemoto et al. [7] 69/F Sensorineural deafness, ptosis, peripheral facial palsies, hyperreflexia all ext. and later diagnosed with UCNo T2 hyperintensities in midbrain, pons, bilateral cerebral white matter; no vascular studyANA 
CorticosteroidsImproved but still had deafness and
worsening cerebral deep white matter lesions without any new clinical signs

Druschky et al. [8] 37/M Eight-year history of UC, weakness right arm, slurred speech, rapidly developing confusionNot brain (upper arm skin biopsy showed perivascular infiltration with inflammation)T2 hyperintensities periventricular and cerebellar, spinal cord; no vascular studyANA, c-ANCA, p-ANCA negativeCorticosteroids, azathioprine, and cyclosporine AComplete resolution

Dejaco et al. [9]58/MDiagnosed with UC at age of 29, hemiparesthesia of face and left and right side body intermittentlyNoT2 hyperintensities of centrum semiovale (reported as typical of microangiopathy associated with vasculitis)c-ANCA, p-ANCA negativePrednisolone, ASAComplete recovery

Masaki et al. [10]19/FWithin 2 weeks presentation of bloody diarrhea developed generalized convulsive seizures and AMS; dysarthria, numbness of tongue and extremitiesNoT2 and FLAIR multiple
hyperintensities in the corticomedullary; enhancing
lesions; cerebral angiogram: faint staining in parietooccipital area
c-ANCA, p-ANCA negativePrednisolone, dextran, and colon resectionComplete

Bonrath et al. [11]72/M 
Number 1 acute UC flare with AMS; 
number 2 active UC with acute left hemiparesis
One brain biopsy showed postischemic changes, inconclusiveNumber 1 MRI brain showed multiple perivascular signal changes and infarcts; number 2 MRI also consistent with vasculitisp-ANCA, c-ANCA, MPO, and Pr3 negative in both cases

Carmona et al. [12]47/MDeveloped UC 7 years prior, presented with right motor hemiparesis and aphasiaYes (autopsy), small and medium size vessel showed necrotizing angiitisCT head showed low attenuation in left parietal and occipital regionsNot reportedDecadron, mannitolDeath

Glotzer et al. [13]18/MDiagnosed with UC 10 months prior, presented with left hemiparesis, hemianopia, AMSYes; necrotic mostly white
matter with polymorphonuclear lymphocytes perivascularly
Carotid angiogram showing displacement of ACA, MCA with parietooccipital massNot reportedErythromycin,
clarithromycin, and amphotericin B
Complete neurological

Edwards [14]28/M2 months after diagnosis UC presented with right arm weakness, right facial paresis, GTCSNoBilateral carotid angiogram showing mulivessel segmental narrowing in small and medium arteriesANA 
DexamethasoneResidual left hemiparesis

Friol-Verceletto et al. [15]45/F14-year diagnosis of UC with spastic hemiparesisNoAbnormal angiographyESR 
Not describedNot described

Karacostas et al. [16]32/FAt time of diagnosis UC developed left hemiparesis, AMS, generalized seizuresNoCT head number 1 right frontal pole
hypodensity; number 2 showed hemorrhagic transformation of the ischemic infarct and white matter edema; right side carotid angiogram reported as patent vessels
ANA and lupus anticoagulant negativePrednisoneSignificant neurological