Case Report

Atypical Vascular Involvement in a Case of Behçet's Disease

Table 1

Relevant analytical data postoperatively.

HemogramBiochemistryElectrophoresis and C-reactive protein AutoimmunityThrombophiliaTM markers

L.: 16.300  LALT: 101 UI/LCRP: 145 mgr/LAnti-DNA: (−)AT III (−) FP: (−)
N.: 13.105  LGGT: 280 UI/L : 0.65 g/dLANCA: (−)prot. C y S (−)CEA: (−)
Hb.: 10.1 gr/dLFe: 17 mgr/dL : 1.40 g/dLAntiB2 GPI: (−)RPCa (−)CA19.9: (−)
Pl.: 585000  LTF: 134 mgr/dL 
Ferritin: 584 mgr/dL
: 0.49 g/dL LA1: (−) 
ANCA: (−) 
ASLO: (−) 
RF: (−)
Anticardiolipin (−) 
V Leyden F. (−)
CYFRA: (−) 
PSA: (−)

L: leukocytes; N: neutrophil; Hb.: hemoglobin; Pl: platelet; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; GGT: gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase; TF: transferring; RF: rheumatoid factor; AT III: antithrombin 3.