Case Report

Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema following Laparoscopy-Assisted Distal Gastrectomy for a Patient with Early Gastric Cancer: A Case Report

Table 2

Reported cases of pulmonary edema following laparoscopic surgery.

CaseYear [Ref.]AgeSexComorbidityDiseaseLaparoscopic
PositionSingle-lung ventilationOperation timeInfusionUrinary outputPulmonary

11995 [5]*32 yFNoneSterilityDiagnostic laparotomyTrendelenburg Present80 min2000 mLNDUnilateral
22000 [6]31 yFObesity, pregnancyCushing’s synd.AdrenalectomyLateralNone150 min2150 mL1100 mLUnilateral
32005 [7]23 yFObesityObesityBariatric surgeryNDPresent140 min2400 mL120 mLUnilateral
42007 [8]32 yMNoneDonorNephrectomyLateral None300 min7700 mL1550 mLUnilateral
52007 [8]44 yMNoneDonorNephrectomyLateralNone330 min8000 mL2750 mLUnilateral
62010 [9]*45 yMNoneCecal cancerIleocecal resectionNDNone182 min3460 mL1330 mLBilateral
72010 [10]*73 yMHT, DM, anginaCholecystitisCholecystectomyNDNone128 min2150 mL290 mLBilateral
82010 [11]25 yFNoneEctopic pregnancyNDTrendelenburgNone50 min1750 mLNDBilateral
92010 [12]63 yMNoneProstate cancerProstatectomyTrendelenburgNone256 min2500 mL800 mLBilateral
10201157 yFNoneGastric cancerDistal gastrectomyHead-up tiltPresent309 min2150 mL290 mLBilateral

*Reported in Japanese with English abstract; our case; Ref.: reference number; ND: not described; HT: hypertension; DM: diabetes mellitus; Synd.: syndrome.