Case Report

Herpes Zoster-Induced Ogilvie’s Syndrome

Table 1

Pathophysiology of Ogilvie’s syndrome due to herpes zoster.


Chen et al. [1]Direct injury to colonic ENS and muscularis propria

Tribble et al. [3]Viral injury of the thoracolumbar or sacral lateral columns resulting in interruption of parasympathetic nerves and subsequent intestinal hypomotility

Nomdedeu et al. [4]Hemorrhagic infarction of abdominal sympathetic (celiac) ganglia

Pui et al. [5](i) Parietal & visceral peritoneal inflammation due to vesicular eruptions
(ii) Direct injury to colonic ENS and muscularis propria
(iii) Direct involvement of colonic autonomic nervous system (ANS) by any one of the following routes:
 (1) Infection of anterior horn motor neurons
 (2) Involvement of celiac plexus ganglion

Hosoe et al. [6]Viral interruption of afferent C-fibers causing intestinal hypomotility and subsequent pseudoobstruction