Case Report

Robotic Total Pelvic Exenteration with Laparoscopic Rectus Flap: Initial Experience

Table 2

Operative characteristics and hospital course of robotic total pelvic exenteration with laparoscopic rectus flap (MITPE) versus open patients.

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Open TPE (9)
median (range)

Operative time (hours)11109.511.5
Rectus flap? (Yes/No)YYY6
Estimated blood loss (cc)*8005003502300

Infused narcotics (mg)

Epidural useNoneNone54.5
PCA use5125.25

IV morphine equivalents (mg)

Overall narcotic usage176.28.3114.8232.7
Mean = 99.8 (85) Mean = 961.1 (1350)

Other analgesic usage (mg)

(1 pt.)
OthersNoneNoneCelecoxib 400; gabapentin 300Ibuprofen 3600
(1800–3600, 3 )


ICU stay (POD)*1113
Discharge (POD)*78713

Median values for each parameter are shown with range or percentages in parentheses, unless otherwise labeled. Labeled means are shown with standard deviation (SD). Medication use pertains to in-hospital stay only. Narcotic use includes hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxycontin, and morphine converted to morphine equivalents and summed for comparison. MITPE: robotic total pelvic exenteration with laparoscopic rectus flap; TPE: total pelvic exenteration; POD: postoperative day; PCA: patient controlled analgesia; ICU: intensive care unit; cc: cubic centimeters.
*Statistically significant difference between MITPE and open TPE groups ().
OR times available for 8 of 9 open TPE patients.
Two open exenteration patients were managed postoperatively with PCEA (patient controlled epidural analgesia) and therefore separate PCA use and total narcotic use relative to this was unavailable.
Pts: number of patients in cohort who used this during hospital stay.